How to get rid of sleeping problems?

Insomnia belongs to the most frequent sleeping disorder. It is estimated that almost half of the population suffers from this problem. In general, mainly older women are prone to it due to stress, psychosomatic disorders or hormone changes associated with the menopausal transition. Apart from insomnia there are other types of sleep disorders...

How to prevent heart disease

The heart belongs to the most significant organs in our body. Heart failure represents one of the most frequent cause of death all around the world. This is the reason why we should strive to keep it healthy. Various activities are beneficial for its function. On the other hand, there are also such that can increase the risk of heart...

Germany opens some shops, children return to schools in early May

From 4 May, school lessons are to be resumed in Germany. Pupils of upper classes of primary schools, but above all students of the last years of secondary and vocational schools should return to their desks so that they can pass the final exams and graduation exams. Meanwhile, kindergartens and first to third classes of elementary schools will...