Czech inventions will gain support for their further development this year
The most promising domestic research projects will gain support with making contact with manufacturers, foreign clients and with production funding and export. It is Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic that select the projects and provide them with aid. This year is focused on the domain of power engineering and water management .
6 up to 8 projects are supported every year. The representatives of the state institutions and of the business sphere select them from the database of the finished research projects supported by those programmes of TACR which realisation was co-financed by state aid and which have a patent with commercial potential.
The aim of the project is to maintain the Czech know-how in the Czech Republic and to support the domestic production with high added value as well. Is it essential that the Czech research sphere commercialize the results of its activity inland and not to have to sell its patents abroad. The joint project of the support of exportation serves as a good mechanism for using the results of Czech research on the market.

It was Lešikar, a manufacturer of tachographs from Tábor, which gained individual consulting and was additionally provided with export financing in the past. Its patented invention prevents drivers from deceiving about their compulsory breaks. A seminar for the supported projects, which are to present their research projects, is being planned this year. Furthermore, sales representatives from Sweden and the Netherlands are to participate as well.
Both power engineering and water management provide challenges for the global economy. Czech inventions and companies in these domains belong traditionally among the best. The results of research or the manufacturers who are otherwise unlikely to have the opportunity to be financed will be given a unique support. Such aid is refundable, moreover, there has not been any insured events from similar projects yet.
Publikováno: 09. 08. 2020
Kategorie: News | Technology