Poslední rozloučení s Pohřebním ústavem Townes
Pohřební ústav Townes Pohřební ústav Townes slouží komunitě s pochopením a soucitem v náročných chvílích. Poskytuje podporu a zdroje,...
Pohřební ústav Townes Pohřební ústav Townes slouží komunitě s pochopením a soucitem v náročných chvílích. Poskytuje podporu a zdroje,...
Pohřební ústav Sarah Carterové Pohřební ústav Sarah Carterové slouží komunitě s pochopením a soucitem v náročných časech....
Smuteční oznámení S hlubokým zármutkem, ale zároveň s vděčností za krásné chvíle strávené s našimi blízkými, vám oznamujeme, že...
From 4 May, school lessons are to be resumed in Germany. Pupils of upper classes of primary schools, but above all students of the last years of secondary and vocational schools should return to their desks so that they can pass the final exams and graduation exams. Meanwhile, kindergartens and first to third classes of elementary schools will...
15. 04. 2020
13. 04. 2020
13. 04. 2020
McDonald’s Czech Republic and Slovakia CEO Tomasz Rogacz expresses gratitude to those battling the pandemic and outlines the company’s support efforts. These include providing free meals and drinks to healthcare workers at three hospitals, donating to the Bulovka Hospital for medical equipment through the Entropiq Charity FIFA Cup, and...
Business | Health | News | News
13. 04. 2020
McDonald’s Czech Republic and Slovakia CEO Tomasz Rogacz expresses gratitude to those battling the pandemic and outlines the company’s support efforts. These include providing free meals and drinks to healthcare workers at three hospitals, donating to the Bulovka Hospital for medical equipment through the Entropiq Charity FIFA Cup, and...
Business | Health | News | News
13. 04. 2020
The current pandemic could be prevented, according to Trump, if the organization did not spread the "misinformation" presented by China, in which the virus first appeared last year. The United States is the largest contributor to the WHO, sending about 22 percent of its budget to the organization last year. "Today, I ordered the World Health...
08. 04. 2020