USA suspends WHO funding
The current pandemic could be prevented, according to Trump, if the organization did not spread the "misinformation" presented by China, in which the virus first appeared last year. The United States is the largest contributor to the WHO, sending about 22 percent of its budget to the organization last year. "Today, I ordered the World Health Organization to suspend funding while we are conducting a study on the role of the WHO in managing coping with and concealing the spread of coronavirus," Trump said in a press briefing on Tuesday, adding that WHO "failed in its core responsibilities and must be propelled. accountability ”.
He said the organization uncritically received reports on the spread of the virus in China from the government and praised Beijing for its transparent approach. Also, according to Trump, the WHO has not made sufficient efforts to bring its own experts to the affected areas in China to evaluate the situation independently. "Their misconduct caused so many deaths," the president said.
Trump avoided questions from reporters present about his own comments on Chinese transparency earlier this year when he wrote on Twitter in January: “China is working very hard to suppress coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates its efforts and transparency. It all goes well. In particular, on behalf of the American people, I would like to thank (Chinese) President Si (Jinping). ”
Publikováno: 08. 04. 2020
Kategorie: News